Guitar Prayer Precisely Answered

Reached the big 5-0 plateau last Wednesday, June 7. My wife, children and church family helped me celebrate.
I have been praying for well over two years for a better guitar to play as rhythm guitarist for the church's worship team. I finally decided I wanted to buy a Blueridge acoustic/electric, but last year when I went to the local dealer's shop here in town that sells them, he had none in stock and didn't know exactly what one would cost since they were a new addition to this line of guitars. I came close to buying something else a time or two but wanted to keep praying and see what God would do in answer to prayer.
First, a young family in the church approached me several weeks ago with a gift of $150 for the guitar fund. The husband was in a small Wednesday night prayer group with me and another man in the church where I requested prayer for a new guitar.
Next, a bunch of folks in the church gave me gift cards to bookstores and restaurants at the "surprise" party Deb threw for me on the Friday night before my actual birthday. One couple gave me $50 cash toward a new guitar.
Next, my family got together (without my knowledge) and plotted to give me money for my 50th birthday on the day after my birthday when we were all together for my son's wedding in Indiana. Their gifts came to $465.
Before I left Alabama to go to Indiana for our son's wedding, the church treasurer approached me with a gift from the church for $100 for my birthday - at the direction of the deacon/trustee board.
If you're keeping pace, that comes to $765. No one, including myself, knew the cost of the guitar that I was specifically interested in purchasing. No one but God.
I picked up my new guitar and case today. (That's a picture of it above.) It came to $765.72 - tax included.
I almost asked the dealer to knock off the 72 cents - but the amount was close enough for me to recognize the hand of God in answering my prayer!
I realize this is not a large amount. It's just that it reinforces the principle that, if you wait on the Lord, you not only get your prayers answered - but you also have the confidence that the time is right.
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