Death and Taxes

Well Ben, thank God this world is not all there is!
As I get ready to celebrate Easter I am reminded that Christ made it possible to live forever in the next world! No death or taxes there!
Many times I am ashamed to say I live like this world is all there is. I'm not living the life of an ornery and perverse individual but there are many more ways to neglect a proper eternal focus than that.
* I wonder do I love God ardently enough and show it by seeking after His will in everything I think and say and do?
* I wonder do I confront enough people passionately enough with the Good News about Jesus that brings abundant and eternal life?
* I wonder, since this life is not all there is, am I too worried about things like taxes in the first place? When Simon Peter was concerned about paying his taxes Jesus sent him fishing. (Matthew 17:24-27)
When those of us who have received God's grace get to heaven how many choices and worries in this shadow-life will we regret?
Things like death and taxes may actually do us a favor. They teach us not to get too attached to this vaporous world. (James 4:14)
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