Praying the Psalms

Here's what I'm thinking about on this April Sunday evening. I'm thinking about a book in the Book of books.
Today - at three separate times - three individuals came up to me and offered information that was an answer to items that had been on my prayer list for over a year!
They were very specific answers to prayer and the fact that the individuals came to me without me asking about a situation impressed me all the more that God had heard my prayers.
Ps 4:3 (NLT) – You can be sure of this: The LORD has set apart the godly for himself. The LORD will answer when I call to him.
It should never amaze the Christ follower that God hears and answers prayer but it always gives me a shot in the spiritual arm. I want to share with you what I'm talking about in the hopes it will do the same for you.
For some time now I have been "praying the Psalms". Many people don't realize that although the title of this Old Testament book means "Praises", the book of Psalms also contains a lot prayers. So I have been praying the Psalms.
Here are a couple to let you know what I'm talking about:
Psalm 25:4 (NLT) Show me the path where I should walk, O LORD; point out the right road for me to follow. (I have been praying this recently in relation to some personal financial decisions.)
Psalm 71:17-18 (NLT) O God, you have taught me from my earliest childhood, and I have constantly told others about the wonderful things you do.
18 Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God. Let me proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after me. (I'm not old and gray, but since I'm going to turn 50 in a few months, and recently learned I would become a grandfather this fall, I have been praying this psalm.)
There are many other prayers in the Psalms. I encourage you to look for them the next time you read through this great book of the Bible.
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