What's Love Got to Do With It?

Read 1 Corinthians 13
"For now there are faith, hope and love. But of these three, the greatest is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13
Faith, hope and love are intricately woven triplets in the life of the Christ follower - with love being the greatest - but why? Why does the Bible categorize love above faith? Without faith we would not even know God. Why is love greater than hope? Without hope we would give up.
For one thing, love is the greatest because it will last forever. Those going to heaven will no longer need faith and hope once they arrive there because the objects of our faith and hope will have been fulfilled as we experience the immediate presence of God. But in eternity we will go on loving God and one another.
Perhaps love is the greatest because it is an attribute of God Himself. He does not need faith and hope as humans do. And maybe love is greatest because it has an outward focus while hope and faith are inwardly targeted. Faith and hope are for me. Love should be more than just for myself. I was created to love God and others.
No matter whatever reason love is the greatest, it is important for us to apply this principle here and now. Christ's followers are to be people of love. Loving God. Loving others. These are the greatest of God's purposes for our lives. (Matthew 22:37-38)
Action step for today: Show God that you love Him in a tangible way. Show another Christ follower (not a family member) you love him or her. Show and unchurched individual that you love him or her.
At Friday, November 14, 2008 2:37:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I have been reading your posts along the 40 Days of Hope journey.
Thanks for the words of hope from the Word! I have found them to be encouraging and inspiring.
One of your posts last week was helpful in the message I brought on Ruth last Sunday.
I truly appreciate your friendship and your ministry! Keep on dispensing real HOPE!
Mike Hall
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