From Hurt to Hope

Read Colossians 1:24-29
"God decided to let his people know this rich and glorious secret which he has for all people. This secret is Christ himself, who is in you. He is our only hope for glory." Colossians 1:27 (NCV)
People all around us are hurting and they're searching for hope. They want to know if there are answers to their questions about life, solutions to their problems, and relief for their pain.
The Bible says that the hope people need is already in you if you are a Christ follower! That hope is Christ Himself!
We needn't share the Good News about Jesus with a sense of meanness. Yes, people need to know that they are sinners but most people already know that about themselves. We need to offer hope! Hope that they can be set free from the hurts, habits and hangups that rule their lives. Hope that they can have peace with God and therefore peace of mind both now and forever. Hope that even though life has ups and downs there is a friend named Jesus who will walk with them through every dark night.
This hope is for everyone! It is not the job of Christ followers to pick and choose who needs to hear the Good News about Jesus. While on earth Jesus offered hope to the most unlikely people: lepers, prostitutes, people possessed by demons, and many more. He is our example.
Action step for today: Share the Good News today with someone not on your usual suspect list. Find someone who is hurting and needs the hope that only Jesus can provide.
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