There's Still Hope!

Read Ruth 1:1-22
"Even if I thought there was still hope for me..." Ruth 1:12 (NIV)
Naomi was a bitter woman. The death of her husband and two sons left her dazed and alone...except for two foreign daughters-in-law. She thought perhaps if she headed back to her homeland in Judah she could die in peace. Her daughters-in-law headed out with her, but she tried to get them to go back. One did. But Ruth stayed with her and they both wound up in Bethlehem. (Does that small town sound familiar?)
If you read the rest of Ruth's story, one of Naomi's daughters-in-law, you see that she falls in love again, marries once more and gives birth to a son. Her child becomes one of Christ's human ancestors! (Matthew 1:5)
God always has a plan! Even when we think there is no hope - God is at work! His ways are so remarkable that we can't comprehend them. In going back to Judah Naomi was expressing some hope in God, however feeble it may have been. In showing love to her daughter-in-law Ruth, she was instrumental in laying the groundwork for Ruth to become part of Christ's family.
Through Ruth and her inclusion in the family tree of Jesus, God was showing that His intention has always been for people everywhere to know Him, Gentiles as well as Jews.
Action step for today: Make a list. On one side put all the major life hurdles you've faced. On the other side put all the ways God has brought good out of those difficulties AND all the things you imagine God may yet do to make something bad turn out good.
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