Something Better

Read 1 Thessalonians 1
"...patience of hope..." 1 Thessalonians 1:3
Years ago, growing up, a little boy felt like he had the ugliest bicycle known to man. It was a hand-me-down made from the parts of other bicycles. It was so ugly it didn't even have handlebar grips. He was always complaining that his hands would slip off the slick handlebars. He pestered his dad to buy him some handlebar grips but his dad kept refusing.
One day his dad took him to the Western Auto hardware store. Near the front door there were some new handlebar grips for sale. They were plastic and had long streamers hanging down from the ends. He said, "Daddy, daddy, I've just got to have these handlebar grips! Please daddy!" His dad looked at him and said, "No, son, you don't need those grips. Now come with me to the back of the store."
As he followed his dad he was bitter and frustrated. Under his breath he was muttering, "I never get anything. It's just a lousy three dollars! My dad sure is mean!"
When they got back to the back of the store the owner wheeled out a shiny, brand new bicycle - complete with handlebar grips with plastic streamers. The father said, "Here son, it's an early birthday present. I wouldn't buy you any handlebar grips because I ordered you this new bicycle."
The little boy was ecstatic! As he wheeled his new bike out the front door he never even gave those handlebar grips a glance!
Action step for today: Wait on something better from God.
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