"Account for the Hope That is In You"

Please read 1 Peter 3:8-17
"Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully." 1 Peter 3:15b (Amplified Bible)
Hope is an impossible attitude to hide! Those around you will see your hopeful attitude in the midst of the struggles of life and wonder where it originates. They will look to you for answers about your confident perspective.
Being ready to logically share our hope when someone is wrestling with life's mysteries is a vital part of making others aware of the Good News about Christ. In fact, this is one of the most favorable times that Christ followers can share hope with others.
How do you "account for the hope that is in you?" How did you come to hope in Christ? What factors led you to turn to Christ for the answers to life's inescapable questions?
The answer to these questions will help construct a solid foundation for someone else to have hope in Christ. You have a unique story to tell that will give hope to others.
But you must be ready to share it.
"Always be ready," the Bible says. Are you ready?
Action step for today: Write down the story of how you came to have hope in Christ; practice sharing it; and look for opportunities to share your hope with others as they ask you to "account for the hope that is in you."
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