About the Games...

I have been impressed more with the Bejing Olympics than the Atlanta or Athens games. The coverage has been great and I heard today that the channels not covering the games (like Fox) have seen a drastic drop in ratings. I have the coverage on almost every night while working at my computer.
Miscellaneous observations on the games in Bejing:
Why do the Jamaicans run so fast? Is there something in the water there?
I hate to say it but my favorite part of the gymnastics is when they mess up. Saw a Chinese girl fall on the balance beam last night and I relished the replays. I must be sick. She wasn't hurt and I admired her courage and determination to get back up and continue her routine.
I would have been amazed if a dude with the wingspan and huge hands and feet of Phelps had NOT won 8 gold medals.
One story that hasn't been reported in the mainstream media is worth noting. The Chinese would NOT allow foreign Christian chaplains to lead worship in the facilities on site. Many of the Christian athletes from around the world were very disappointed at this act of communistic censorship.
China is still a totalitarian regime no matter how much spin they hope to gain from this Olympic games. Choosing one little Chinese girl's voice and then choosing another girl to lipsync her song because the first little girl with the great voice was chubby and therefore did not present the image they wanted to present was just one of many examples of how hypocritical they are as a nation.When are they going to admit that capitalism is the only thing that is making them surge forward as a nation?
At Thursday, August 21, 2008 10:11:00 AM ,
Pastor Jeff Lawson said...
That's what I like about you, brother, you tell it the way it is! Great thoughts!
At Friday, August 29, 2008 7:15:00 PM ,
amydc said...
China makes me sick.
If America had illegal underage competitors, they would strip us of our medals in a heartbeat.
At Saturday, August 30, 2008 4:45:00 PM ,
mateo said...
Glad to read your thoughts about the olympics...mainly b/c I didn't get to see hardly any of it. Our tv wasn't hooked up for most of it so I only watched a little of it by way of internet. Did you know Madrid is trying to get the olympics here for 2016?
At Saturday, August 30, 2008 4:46:00 PM ,
mateo said...
okay, and that was brooke who wrote that not mateo!
At Saturday, August 30, 2008 11:08:00 PM ,
Brian Atwood said...
Jeff, I have been neglecting blogging lately. Thanks for your comment.
Amy, Yeah, I forgot to mention the underage girls from China. Thanks for bringing that up. That is just pathetic behavior. I don't blame the little girls but I do think the adults using them as pawns are an embarassment to their country and to the Olympics.
Brooke, I hate that you did miss most of the Olympics. There was some impressive athleticism. I hadn't heard that Madrid was trying to get the games in 2016! Wouldn't that be cool!
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