Three Decades of Matrimony

Sure we were young and naive in some ways but the decision was the right one.
In one of the most important answered prayers of my life God gave me someone to love and cherish that I couldn't have ever imagined would be so right for me.
We share not only a love for Jesus, but a love of family. Without her tremendous mothering our three children would not have become such well-adjusted and happy adults as they certainly are, and they may not have picked such compatible mates as they have.
We share a love of music. She is my favorite singer and musician. Her voice has always captivated me - whether she is singing a love song around the house or a solo in church. We harmonize perfectly together in vocal music as well as life. You can tell she feels the music when she sings or plays the piano. She has a natural gift of expression. And after thirty years she still gives me goosebumps when she sings as well as when she smiles!
We share similar backgrounds. Both of our dads were alcoholics - her dad was able to beat the beast with God's help, but my dad was conquered by it. Through the years we have worked past the problems that adult children of alcholics face. Although it hasn't always been easy we never gave up. We've not been perfect people in our marriage because we didn't always handle the pain of our past properly - or the stresses of a ministry marriage. But our hearts are more tender toward others because of what we've been through.
We've shared a lot of good times. When I am intense she helps me lighten up with her laughter or her gentle tenderness. When I am stressed she reminds me of all we have for which to be thankful.
She is smart, people-smart especially, and tender and loving with small children. Even now in her job as a pre-school teacher I am amazed at her insight into a child's heart and her ability to show love to little people. I think it is extremely Christ-like to love children.
What a homemaker and cook! Some in our culture may scoff at a woman taking great care in her home and recipes - but I am tremendously thankful that Deb is always interested in making our home a place of comfort and attractive decor.
As a ministry partner Deb is unbeatable. She has always been willing to go anywhere and do anything God called us to do. She doesn't judge people or hold grudges. She loves God's truth and is always interested in its practical application to life. Whatever personal sacrifices we've had to make to be in ministry she has always been willing to accept.
Three more decades with this woman will be all right with me!
At Sunday, July 17, 2011 8:08:00 AM ,
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