Mind Sweeping
I was thinking about eschatology today - the study of the end times - the second coming of Christ, etc. Wonder why we call it the end times? When Jesus returns it won't be the end - it will just be the beginning. I often wonder if I think enough about heaven and eternity.
- My wife begins her Spring break from pre-school teaching tomorrow. Wonder why all adults don't get a Spring break?
- The NCAA basketball tournament is upon us and it looks wide open to me. I'm pulling for my home state of Maryland and the state in which our three children were born - Indiana. Alabama isn't that well known for it's basketball but one of the guys told me at church last night that Spring practice for football began today. BAMA had the best recruiting class in the nation this year. ROLL TIDE!
- Finished a book by Lee Strobel today called "The Case for the Real Jesus," which invesigates the current attacks on the identity of Jesus. Strobel's previous works include, "The Case for Christ," "The Case for Easter," "The Case for Faith," "The Case for a Creator," and perhaps some other "Case for" book. I not sure how many are in this series. This volume was timely for me because I'm teaching through the Apostle John's first letter where he rallies the church against Gnosticism, the first century attack on the identity of Jesus. Much of the book was repeat apologetics for me, but still, very timely stuff for our friends in postmodern American culture. The evidence for Jesus as God's Son is overwhelming to any person without serious presuppositions to the contrary.
- Found John Grisham's newest novel in the thrift store today! "The Appeal," first edition, 2008. Moved it to the top of the stack of readables.
- I know several people to whom God is speaking. Hope the Easter season brings new spiritual life to them in the risen Christ. Praying to that end.
At Saturday, March 15, 2008 6:52:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I was wondering a similar thing about spring break...wish we could all get a spring break from cleaning, cooking, etc. Brooke:)
At Sunday, March 16, 2008 8:34:00 AM ,
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