It's Official - I'm an Eli Stone Fan

Christ followers can identify with this new show because it speaks of the human need of realizing that there is a plan for each of our lives that is higher than what we can comprehend without Divine guidance. I'm also impressed with the court cases Stone now takes after his brain aneurysm. Instead of being concerned solely about being a "rainmaker" (courting the cases that bring in the big bucks for his firm) Stone is now interested in helping the underdog because of the visions he receives.
To me, this show, which appeared as a mid-season replacement right after the return episode of LOST, entertains in a way that also makes a point - a worthwhile point.
It's touching that Stone looks back and understands his father's idiosyncrasies better now that he is a man grappling with the vagaries of life himself.
Like all TV series that stand out, this show mixes exceptionally creative writing, stories from the headlines, and interactive characters that represent people we all work with.
And, oh yeah, I dig the songs and the wacky way music is used to introduce important (and spiritual) truth to Stone.
At Saturday, March 08, 2008 2:34:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I've never heard of this show but I'm going to try to check it out. My friend Raissa showed me how to download tv shows so...that's nice but it does take about 1 1/2 hours to download one show. Brooke
At Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:03:00 PM ,
Pastor Jeff Lawson said...
I watched it tonight. I dig it. Thanks for the 'heads-up'
At Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:06:00 PM ,
Brian Atwood said...
Brooke and Jeff, I hope you get to see the first several episodes sometime.
At Friday, March 14, 2008 11:12:00 AM ,
Pastor Jeff Lawson said...
Summer re-runs are comin' :)
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