Lookout Lodge
week we rented "Lookout Lodge" in the Smoky Mountains and the entire family was able to set aside several days to be together. (I'm in the back row holding our granddaugher Caroline. She is teething - that's why she has her fingers in her mouth.)
- The peace and quiet of the mountains created a great atmosphere, not only for family time, but also for time with God. I went out on the deck and talked to my Heavenly Father morning, noon and night. It was spiritually invigorating. I also read quite a bit of Swindoll's biography of the Apostle Paul.
- Deb and I are so pleased with who our children are - and with who they married. Sometimes parents grow weary with the sacrifices they make, but I encourage any young parent to take the long view, especially when you are tired, spent and putting off personal endeavors so that your children can have the right kind of environment in which to grow and learn. When they become healthy, happy, Christ-following adults the satisfaction is unbelievable!
- As you can tell on the front row, our daughter Bethany (blonde) and her husband David are expecting a child, due in August - a boy - Isaac! Bethany will complete her work for her master's degree before Isaac gets here; David already has his master's. Our daughter-in-law Keshia (brunette) and our son Brandon are expecting their first child - also a boy - Carter - in September! Keshia just completed her MBA and Brandon is going back to work on his master's this fall. Brooke and Matthew (on the back row between Deb and I) have their master's degree in parenthood! Andrew (in Matthew's lap) is 2 & a half and the twins are 6 months. They are home from Spain on missionary furlough. When I watch them or the rest of the family with the children I know how blessed Deb and I are to have a family that cherishes life!
- I know why Jesus took vacations. It is great to refresh and replenish the supply in your spiritual well. I am now more focused and energetic than when we left on vacation. Take time off now and then to be alone with God. Take time off now and then to be alone with your family. Deb prefers the beach. So next year, as we do the every-other-year routine, we'll probably be there. But at least we'll realize that the world will go on revolving while we're not working.

- The peace and quiet of the mountains created a great atmosphere, not only for family time, but also for time with God. I went out on the deck and talked to my Heavenly Father morning, noon and night. It was spiritually invigorating. I also read quite a bit of Swindoll's biography of the Apostle Paul.
- Deb and I are so pleased with who our children are - and with who they married. Sometimes parents grow weary with the sacrifices they make, but I encourage any young parent to take the long view, especially when you are tired, spent and putting off personal endeavors so that your children can have the right kind of environment in which to grow and learn. When they become healthy, happy, Christ-following adults the satisfaction is unbelievable!
- As you can tell on the front row, our daughter Bethany (blonde) and her husband David are expecting a child, due in August - a boy - Isaac! Bethany will complete her work for her master's degree before Isaac gets here; David already has his master's. Our daughter-in-law Keshia (brunette) and our son Brandon are expecting their first child - also a boy - Carter - in September! Keshia just completed her MBA and Brandon is going back to work on his master's this fall. Brooke and Matthew (on the back row between Deb and I) have their master's degree in parenthood! Andrew (in Matthew's lap) is 2 & a half and the twins are 6 months. They are home from Spain on missionary furlough. When I watch them or the rest of the family with the children I know how blessed Deb and I are to have a family that cherishes life!
- I know why Jesus took vacations. It is great to refresh and replenish the supply in your spiritual well. I am now more focused and energetic than when we left on vacation. Take time off now and then to be alone with God. Take time off now and then to be alone with your family. Deb prefers the beach. So next year, as we do the every-other-year routine, we'll probably be there. But at least we'll realize that the world will go on revolving while we're not working.