Working on Booklet - God Works on Me

Everyone in our church family will be on the same page for over a month which should be good for the ongoing unity of our fellowship. But a greater goal was to point all of us in the direction of being a more caring church. After four days I have already seen and heard of God stirring the hearts of our people! I can see Him at work in areas of prayer and godly desire that have been waiting in the wings for a good while.
In tonight's mid-week Bible study we began a study on "The Character of Caring People - How to Focus on the Gifts of Caring God Has Given You", with our theme verse - Hebrews 10:24 (NLT): "Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works." Our topic this week was Encouragement.
On Sunday mornings I'm teaching from 1 Corinthians 13 and the various aspects of love and caring.
One by-product of being a pastor/teacher dealing with topic like this has been something I almost forgot would happen. God has been captivating my heart with fresh love, peace and joy!