Been Thinkin'

Here's what I've been thinking about...
- Our church responded exceptionally well to 40 Days of Hope, especially the others-focused hope projects! They gave money to purchase 100 Bibles for children of persecuted Christians around the world; filled 42 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan's Purse; and gave a boatload of coats, sweaters, socks and gloves for First Stop for the Homeless - which were delivered today by church member Carl Roberts!
- The church's anniversary celebration Sunday was a good time for the church to celebrate a thanksgiving together. The testimonies about the good things God had done during 40 Days of Hope, the filling of the worship center and the fellowship hall, the guests, and the laughter were all encouraging.
- I missed Deb's vocals and her expertise at the keyboards Sunday, especially on Indescribable! I blew it a time or two on vocals and rythym guitar but thankfully Jeff on the bass and Teresa on the drums/vocals covered for me!
- BAMA football has been fun this season since they're undefeated and number one in the nation. The Iron Bowl vs. Auburn should be interesting this Saturday and I am going to be watching the game with some friends from the church since Deb is in Spain. This is the first season in 31 years of marriage that Deb has actually sat down and watched complete games with me!
- Our son Brandon and his wife Keshia live in Muncie, so I have been watching Ball State from Muncie play football every chance I get. They too (like BAMA) are undefeated and are even on TV beating Western Michigan in the background while I type.
- Four different men have approached me for financial help in the last four days. Times are tough but keeping pace with one financially needy man per day will take resources only God can provide and I know that He will.
- THE TWINS SHOULD ARRIVE ANY DAY NOW! Our whole family is on super-alert. I wake up every night wondering if perhaps they've been born in Spain. Can't wait to see Brooke and Matthew again after 14 months apart - and meet Carolina and Daniel!!!
- I'm ready for a vacation. Haven't taken one this year, except for a few days July 4th weekend. Spain is calling and I'm going to answer!
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